If you are eligible then get ready for your verification. Because very soon poor people are going to get financial assistance. Also, if you are a person who is worried for some reason, i.e. if your account has been blocked. Or if you have a fingerprint problem then this article is made for you. You can see the solution to all the problems in this article. This article will tell you the complete procedure for new registration and in this article.
I will also tell you how you can fix your block account. And if you have any elderly people in your house, how can you get their installment by making a lifetime ID card for them? Apart from this, if there is a eunuch in your family, how the eunuch can get financial assistance from the Ehsaas program has also been explained to you in detail.
Ehsaas Program Pre-Registration System 2024
Know about the registration system in the Ehsaas program Pre-Registration System. If you still haven’t been able to join the program or you’re fed up with repeated disqualifications. So what should you do I tell you how you can get free help from Ehsaas. Remember that you must get a proper survey done for financial assistance.
You will not receive financial aid until you complete a proper dynamic survey. After that, you will be eligible for this program.
Also Read: Ehsaas New Income Support Program 2024
Latest Update Ehsaas Program Pre-Registration Tips
Ehsaas program made it easy to join, and now know eligibility details. Now let’s talk about getting financial assistance from the Ehsaas program. Here are some new registration tips that you can follow to make all your family members eligible.
The complete procedure for new registration is as follows:
- If your Ehsaas program account has been blocked, visit your nearest Benazir office and get your account corrected.
- You have to update all your data in Benazir’s office and tell them that we are disqualified from this program despite being deserving and poor.
- If you have any persons with disabilities in your family, you should get their lifetime National Identity Card from the NADERA office.
- Afterward, you take this National Identity Card and your elderly person to the Benazir Income Support Program on weekdays. Survey them, and then you can get their money.
- How ineligible people can qualify for this program: Ineligible people, go to your nearest Benazir office and get your new survey done. Give complete information about your family and tell them that you are poor.

Required Documents for Pre-Registration
For new registration, you should take the following documents to the Benazir Income Support Program office. So that you can qualify without any problem. What are the necessary documents you have been told in detail?
- Your original and Original National Identity Card
- Nadra certified Bay Form of your children
- Also your household gas and electricity bill
- And monthly utility bills
Also Read: BISP NADRA New Registration System For Financial Assistance
New Eligibility Criteria For Ehsaas Programme
According to the new update of the Ehsaas program, only those families will be included in the program who fulfill the following eligibility criteria. Eligibility criteria have been explained to you in detail.
- Only families whose monthly income is less than their monthly expenses can join this program
- No member of your family should be a government employee to join this program
- You should not own any personal vehicle or property
- Have you ever traveled abroad?
- You don’t even have to own your own business
- You are not receiving aid from any program before applying to this program
- If any elderly people in your household are disabled persons or widows then they will be easily eligible for this program.
Every member of the poor family is now being eligible for the Ehsaas program. A proper survey is being conducted for such persons who were declared ineligible. Apart from this, unqualified persons and persons who are new are also being surveyed. Blocked account holders are being given the good news that they can get their old accounts corrected.
Apart from this, assistance is also being given to elderly people and widows. If there is a widow and she is not getting assistance, she should bring the death certificate of her late husband to Benazir’s office. Register yourself. So that they can get financial support. Read this article carefully to know the complete details, it explains all the procedures.